Saturday, May 14, 2011


My family comes first, 
nothing means more.
Alone we crawl,
together we soar.

(I borrowed this quote from my mom's kitchen)

I am so blessed to have a Mom like mine;
she is funny, smart, crafty, and young at heart. 
She loves us all and is a fantastic grandma.

I also inherited an amazing mother in law (aka Okie);
she is insightful, hilarious, kind, and also young at heart.
 She too loves us to pieces and is an amazing Okie.

These two women take care of my babes and us. 
I would be lost without them.

Jojo stole my camera.

 We were also joined by my Auntie's on Mother's Day.

My Auntie Sallie who always makes me smile and my Auntie Joanie (my godmother) 
who also takes care of my J's for me. These ladies are LOVED.

Craigers cooked a surf and turf meal for all of us ladies(and gents too).

Sending balloons up to Great Grammy.

Danny and Kimmy also joined us, but for some reason I 
only shot some pictures of these cuties.




Sara Ancich said...

you are surrounded by some incredible women in your life. I think you've got yourself a new profile pic in this post (and a budding photog in the fam as well). love you xoxo

andrea dee said...

thanks. they are pretty fantastic(present blogging buddy company included). xoxo