Sunday, May 8, 2011

Great Grammy.

Yesterday would have been my Grammy's 91st Birthday. She passed away about two months ago of just good OLD age. She never had cancer, diabetes, or was sick. She was just my Grammy. She was everything that a Grammy should be... kind, loving, funny, mischievous, and honest. She made my childhood magical. She painted my nails purple, fed me fudgesicles for breakfast followed by liverwurst on white wonder bread.  She made me laugh and she LOVED me. To be honest, she loved all of us. So today she was on my mind. If she was here with us today she would have walked through my front door and said, "Don't you look beautiful today, it's so good to see you." She was the one that was beautiful and one day I hope to be a Grammy just like her.

(Here she is with my beloved Auntie Joanie and Uncle Phil)

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mama's out there. I hope that you had a phenomenal day and were LOVED.

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