Thursday, April 18, 2013

Oh Happy Day!

Dear Carlson,

     Today is the day we celebrate you. You, who are my soft place to fall, my calm in the middle of our wild; my i (mac, phone, pad) support hotline, my dvr recorder, my home brewing sensation and above all my best friend. I cannot imagine my life without you in it.  You are so calm and supportive with our babes. You listen to Jillian with gusto as she explains her favorite comic book of the moment, all the while getting her to finish her last few math problems every night. You let Jackson crawl into your lap every night with his supplies (bronco blanket, fish, blankie) and watch Triple D with you as he asks a million questions through the entire show. You are so patient with Jo (your peachy), who tells you the longest stories of her day in complete detail and often starts over if she does not have your complete attention.  Umm, whom does she take after? So, just so you know, we would not be who we are with you. Happiest of Birthdays Babe! I love you to the moon and back.

xoxo A

Carrot cake will be waiting when you get home!

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