Monday, April 30, 2012

Fann St.

I met my Dad over at Grammy's house a few weeks ago to say goodbye. Her house had been sold. My Dad called it a Labor of LOVE: getting this house ready for new owners. Awe, this house.  This house holds SO many precious memories for me and everyone else in our family. Just to name a few; fugdesicles for breakfast, purple nail polish, sleeping with Danny and Allie in the water bed, taco night, and the gate (no one ever used the front door at my Grammy's house).

A few things I learned about life at this little house.

Rule #1 - Don't ever touch a cactus. We all learned this lesson the hard way.

Rule #2 - "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

Rule #3 - Appreciate the details.

Rule#4 - Make your house a HOME. {my feet}

Rule#5 - Little things make BIG memories.

{We used to still on this fence as kids and wave to whoever leaving Grammy's house with Uncle Wayne, Aunt Joan, or my Dad holding us up. My J's learned this routine as well and Jackson was pretty sad that this was the last time he would be up on that fence.}

Rule#6 - Love those who enter your home with an unconditional loving heart. Tell them how proud you' are of them, that they look beautiful today, and give them a hug. Simply because you never know what kind of day they had before they reached their hand over the gate; unlatched the lock, kicked the bottom with their left foot and entered your heart. My Grammy was that kind of Grammy, the kind that I aspire to be.

To my handsome and hardworking Dad, I love you so. xo A