Friday, February 18, 2011

9 reasons why...

Dear Jillian,

You are nine today and I am in disbelief.  How did nine years just fly by?  I can still see you in Daddy's arms just minutes after you were born. He looked at me and said, "Babe, we have a peanut." Our Peanut! I am so amazed by you each and every day. You have the kindest heart that I have ever known and I love to watch you share it with others. Yesterday, I got to spend the afternoon with just you and I treasured every minute of it.  We went to the mall, per your request to have a cheese on a stick for our special date.  I loved watching you pay for our food and carry it to our table. You are growing up and I am just not ready for it, but it is happening. You caught me welling up a bit as we were talking over lunch and you said, "Mommy don't worry, I will always be your girl." Awe, my girl with the brightest blue eyes, the biggest smile, and a beautiful spirit. 

Happy 9th Birthday Peanut!  Love, Mommy

Here are nine reasons why I love you so much.....

1. You always have a book in your hand.
2. You still run into our room every morning and yell, "Good Morning."
3. You are a hugger just like me.
4. You are a fantastic big sister.
5. You know exactly who you are.
6. You LOVE your family.
7. You sprinkle JOY wherever you go.
8. You have compassion towards others.
9. You are my greatest accomplishment!

Some pictures from Jilly's Birthday party. A special shout out to Grandma Dee, Okie, and Auntie Kimmy for making her party extra fantastic!

1 comment:

Sara Ancich said...

Happiest birthday to Jillian. Such cute pictures from "the best party ever" (to quote Avery).

And now you had ME welling up!