Thursday, January 30, 2014

It's been tooooooooooo long.

Over the past 6 months we have just been busy. Like everyone else, September through December swallows me whole. Between Holidays, school routines, Christmas card shoots, and life in general I get a little behind. So, in ANDREA fashion, "Let's get this done!" Here are the highlights.

Indian Summer.

Cousin Love in Matching Dresses.

Tiny Photog. OG.

Thanksgiving Day Shoot.

Wine Tasting and Tradition. Every year we take our picture in front of this door at DeLoach Winery. Every year, Carlson goes along with every picture idea I have.  He's a good sport 99% of the time. This year, we did our family shoot the day before and he was done. Needless to say, this is what I got and honestly, they make me smile. I can hear myself laughing and saying "Carlson!"

The Mall Santa Picture. Obviously, I don't make my kids dress up for this anymore, but I still make them do it. It's more like;-let's go to HOT DOG ON A STICK and then you can take a 5-minute picture with Santa. I have every single one on these gems in a book and I love looking at it every year. 

The making of our family Christmas book. Tradition.


Christmas Eve should always start with a limo ride. Right?

Christmas Morning.

Holding on to this image of my Jilly. I am not sure how much longer she will love American Girl but, I hope it's a little longer.

Jackson's gift to Okie. Two leopard mirrors to check her poofy-ness.

I love that my kids love to read. Just like their Mama.

Carlsons sentimental gift. His Dad's guitar, which is currently being refurbished and tuned up.

This girl and her Bitty Babies.

Only for today.

Tradition. Christmas morning breakfast with Nana and Papa.

Balboa Day.

American Girl Cafe.

Universal Studios. First Timers.

 These two.

Reflections winner! Jo placed second place in a district wide event for photography. Proud Mama, of course!

And now, I am caught up. xo

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