Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Apples and Pumpkins.

Grandma, Okie, and I took my 3 little pumpkins to Oak Glen last weekend for some Fall fun. We left our not feeling well Daddy at home, but geez did we miss his muscles and him of course. Those pumpkins are darn heavy. Thanks goodness for the wagon. 

We started off the day by making apple cider... SO fun.

Then, it was time for a little pumpkin picking.

Followed by a picnic lunch.

Refueled and Rechaged, it was time to pick some apples.

Which were turned into Apple Pie by this little baker and Gma.

It was a perfect FALL day! xo

1 comment:

Sara Ancich said...

love this tradition.

apple pie from scratch: what an accomplishment!