Sunday, April 10, 2011

Together We Can Recycle.

Jillian is a good mix of Craig and I. She is super "techy" like Craig and she is a "bookworm" like me.  In  recent years she has become a good  little photographer as well.  For the past three years, she has participated in the Reflections Program (a celebration of the arts) at her school. This years theme was Together We Can... Jillian's idea, recycle.  She took a picture of our green and blue trash cans and she won 2nd Place for our PTA district. Jillian, we are so proud of you!

P.S. Maybe one day you will become a shutterbug like me. Love, Mommy


Sara Ancich said...

Oh yes, I can clearly see that someone has inherited "the eye"... way to go Jilly.

andrea dee said...

thanks sara, she is the only one I trust with my camera.