Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Seussical Week.

Cat In The Hat.

Thing 1, Thing 2.

Jorgia has a fun group of Kindergarten friends and two of their mommies (the dynamic duo - Ammie and Maria) made all of these outfits for the girls to wear. They were quite a Seussical Success!

Jillian and her friend Avery were Clover Cuties. Click here to see a picture of them together. xoxo Sara

Wacky Wednesday.

Wacky Hat Wednesday for the girls and for me (because I teach K at another school) Wild Sock Wednesday! Here is my "partner in crime" and I with our wild socks.  Jen, I don't know what I would do without you.  Can you guess who's who?

Whoville Hair Day.

There is only so much you can do with a bob, but they were happy with the results.

Pajama Day.

This poor little guy had been sick all week, but he finally didn't have a fever so I let him go to school on Friday.  He had just woken up and was ready to show off his football pajamas.

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

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