Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Monday and Tuesday

Monday night, I had dinner with one of my best girls, Staci.  We met at the "Croc" although nowadays it's a Japanese restaurant (a pretty good one too).  We both felt a wave a nostalgia as we dined there. Laughing at where the bar was now located (in the 40's) and 82 was now a booth, reminiscing about playing tag as we served our customers on a Friday night. Having dinner as a "family" after our shift which always was followed up by a few drinks at Friday's.   My early 20's and the "Crocodile Cafe" were good to me.  It was where I grew up!

For the past 20 years, I have LOVED one store in particular. Tonight, I snapped a picture of that store that makes up about 75% of my wardrobe.  I can always find what I am looking for and I almost always have a coupon or am lucky with the SALE rack.  Fall into the...

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