Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hooray for Dads!

So, I am bit late in this blog post but, we have been a tad busy around here. Here is a recap of our family filled Father's Day. XO

Getting the table ready for Daddy (aka Craigers) the night before.

I LOVE all the J's handmade gifts and the ANGELS tickets we bought him for a future night of family fun. Gma even joined in on our theme and gave Craigers a new Angels T-Shirt.

Our morning started with big smiles and huge hugs for our favorite Daddy (which I have no pictures of).

Then we headed to Papa and Nana's for breakfast and cousin mayhem.

Allison LOVES Sunny. He is the sweetest dog ever.

Then we said good bye to Nana and Papa and headed back to the Carlson Headquarters. Where we were greeted by these two ladies.

I barbequed for the gang while everyone played in the backyard and hung out. Just the way I like it.

And for my most favorite part of the day... Root Beer Floats. (i can not take credit for this super cute idea. i borrowed it from this crafty gal i know, kristin).

This will become a tradition for sure.

Happy Father's Day, Babe! We love you for just being you. For never missing a good night kiss, for reading Junie B. Jones with gusto every night and laughing out loud along with the twins,  for finding fun multplication games for Jillian to use on the ipad and never growing tired of helping her with math, and for just loving me in this crazy whirlwind life that we lead. It is NOT perfect but, it's OURS and I love you for that.


To My Own Cute Dad, What would I do without you. You have taught me the value of hard work, always doing your best and putting forth the extra effort, loving your family above all else, and that you can survive in this world even if you "stink" at Algebra. I LOVE you, Daddy!


Sara Ancich said...

looked like such a special day. and man are there some strong genes in that family of yours, or what !?!?

andrea dee said...

thanks friend. those "goodwin" genes are pretty strong.